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- Calista Skye
Alien Invader’s Prey Page 6
Alien Invader’s Prey Read online
Page 6
But I’m already running on. The door to the main dome is closed, but I doubt it’s locked.
A tiny spark of hope ignites in my mind. Only a couple more steps now. I reach out my hand for the door handle—
I never get there.
A sore, loud sob escapes me when I feel Brox’s hand on my upper arm.
He’s got me.
I explode in kicks and punches and even head-butts, but he just holds me out from him like you would a scratch-happy kitten.
“Help!” I yell. “It’s Althea! I’m out here! Heeeelp! They’re kidnapping me!”
Brox drags me away, past the broken antenna and the dome, out of the colony.
There’s no sound from inside, and now I’m choking up. “Help,” I wheeze.
No help is coming. I’m being taken back to the saucer. And the pain in my back is getting worse.
“You can’t do this,” I sob. “It’s not right.”
“I don’t see anyone stopping me,” he growls. Then he suddenly takes hold around my waist and tosses me into the air, spinning wildly.
I squeal from surprise and fear. I must be fifty feet up, and even on Mars, landing from a fall like that is going to hurt.
But I land in Brox’s hands as softly as on a mattress filled with down.
I stop my kicking and punching. It has no effect, anyway, and being thrown into the air like that really brings home how strong he is compared to me.
He chuckles. He’s toying with me again. Like a cat with a mouse it’s caught.
As he carries me up the ramp, I twist in his hands, enough to look back at the colony, so far away. There’s no movement. There’s a chance everyone there is dead.
Then we’re inside his saucer again, and this time Brox closes the door.
“Fifty million,” I hear Bleep say as Brox tosses me onto the floor of the saucer. “They’re getting nervous.”
Brox looks down at me. “At this rate, they’ll offer us a billion before the sun sets.”
The tiny drone zips around the room and circles me like a thirsty mosquito. “I don’t think so. I get the feeling this was their last offer. And I see the merchandise is no longer pristine. It has a new flaw.”
Brox frowns, grabs me again, and turns me this way and that, until he’s looking at the middle of my back. “Ah. So I see.”
Then he lifts me higher, and I feel his warm, moist tongue gently soothe my injury, like he did before on my butt. This time I don’t panic. I know it’s his way of healing me.
The dull ache goes away and is replaced by a soothing itch, then just a mild heat.
He turns me over in his hands. “There’s a hole in the fabric.”
“Pretty small. It will close by itself,” Bleep says. “Okay, goods repaired and returned to the original state. Still, I suppose we better tell them she’s being sold as-is.”
Brox turns me the right way up and stares into my face from close up. “We’re not selling her yet. We have to know. Why do the Glup want you?”
“I’ve told you I don’t know!” I’m able to connect with a sudden kick to punctuate the last word. His thigh feels hard as rock.
His eyes flash. “You are lying, and you’re being disobedient. And violent. To a larger male. Even after your punishment and your apology. I don’t think that punishment was even remotely hard enough. We can remedy that. Bleep, watch what those Glup are doing. They usually get what they want. If not by commerce, then in other ways.”
The little point of light turns red and zooms over to place itself in front of Brox’s face. “I’m telling you, we should just sell her right now. They might just cancel their offer and leave this planet. Then we’ll have a worthless Trophy and no realistic way of winning the Competition.”
He swats her away without losing his grip on me. “We have to know.”
Then he opens a door in the wall and takes me into another room.
It’s dark until we cross the threshold, and then it gradually lights up in a soft white.
It’s a strange alien room, with round walls and walls that look weird, somehow. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but they seem to undulate calmly, like mild waves on the ocean. On one wall there hangs an assortment of things that are too alien for me to identify, although some of them remind me of a shop for adult toys.
Brox looks at me like he’s going to eat me alive.
It sets off my defensive reflexes again, and I punch his chest. My fist just grazes his shoulder, but it hits his bullet wound, and he grunts in pain.
“Zohiq!” His eyes flash, and then he throws me hard against the opposite wall, and I fly through the air as if shot from a cannon.
Before I can even brace for the impact, I hit the wall with a weird softness, butt first. Then I just hang there. First, I’m held up as if the wall itself is sticky, and then purple ropes quickly grow out of the wall and freeze me in place.
I squeal in horror as I’m firmly held with these tentacle-like things that seem to have a life of their own when they tighten around my arms and legs and head in several places. “Get me out of here!”
Brox just stands there with his hands on his hips.
“I think this will be good for you,” he says. “It is dangerous for small females to disobey. More dangerous than you would ever suspect, it seems to me. I can’t imagine what things are like on your home planet if it produces willful females like you.”
“My planet is civilized!” I spit. “Anyone can do whatever they want, including women!”
He frowns in obvious disbelief. “Whatever they want? Females? That sounds too insane to be true.” He goes to the other wall and takes down an object. Even I can see what it is. That’s a whip. Purple, like the tentacles holding me.
“If you think you’re going to hit me with that, you’re going to wish you’d never been hatched,” I warn him.
“You lie. You disobey. You hit my wound. And yet you think you can threaten me in this room.” He’s clearly very unhappy. His decisive movements have a barely contained rage behind them. In the subdued light in here, he’s more beautiful than ever, terrible and dangerous. And his bulge is back. If it ever left.
“I can do whatever I want,” I reply heatedly, trying to raise some rage in myself. “I have rights, whatever you think.”
The afterglow of my orgasm has long since faded, and so has my disappointment of almost being able to escape. Now I am actually angry.
And turned on.
Fuck. This guy plays with my mind and body just by existing.
He comes slowly closer. I’m held by the wall so high up that he’s eye level with me. I turn my head demonstratively away.
He puts his face to my hair and sniffs loudly. “So strange, this female. Fur on the head. Fur on the cunt. Strange and alien. But disobedience is not unknown to me. I will beat it out of you, like any man has to do his duty. It’s for your own good.”
“Go fuck yourself,” I hiss.
Suddenly, the tentacles holding me move and gently tear two holes in the jumpsuit, one over each of my breasts. Now unsupported, they spill out of the sheer fabric.
Brox strokes one nipple with a hooked finger, and my skin is so over-sensitive now that tingles shoot from my chest down to my crotch as the nipple immediately stiffens.
“Why do they want you?” he growls into my ear, and the bass tones so close to me give me goosebumps. So freaking dangerous.
My heart is beating hard and fast. “I don’t know,” I pant.
“Liar,” he whispers.
He steps back, and the tentacles shift their grip on me and toss me around until I have my back to him in a bent-over position that spreads my knees and pulls them up. I must be presenting my ass as the most tempting target right now.
The way they hold me, there’s no strain anywhere, no tightness, no discomfort. It feels a lot like being weightless, all my mass being taken up perfectly by this alien contraption that I now think reacts to Brox’s thoughts. The tentacles feel warm and smooth, almost like living skin
. Like his skin.
Then one tentacle slowly rips the fabric apart back there, and I feel cool air on my pussy and ass.
I groan in pure humiliation. He now has a full view of all my female charms. On Earth, this would be an unthinkable thing to do. But I’m starting to understand that our rules don’t count for much in outer space. For Brox, there is nothing outrageous in this. He’s fully within his rights as he sees it, acting from the tradition and standards of his world. Add a good measure of his natural dominance, and this is what you get.
He runs his hand over my arms and back, lightly squeezing my joints, and I get the feeling that he’s checking on me, that I’m not too uncomfortable.
Then his hand slides all the way down, around my hips and then forward to cup my pussy. One alien finger slides between my lips. The soft squelch tells both of us that I’m pretty much dripping again. A little quiver goes through me and settles lightly in my pussy. He fucked me so well a little while ago. Shit, that cock of his...
My tormentor has obviously learned that the waiting can be the worst part.
“Tell me why they want you, and I’ll go easier on you,” he growls. “You’ll still be punished, of course.”
I clench my teeth. I’m not telling him anything.
Except one thing.
“Go to hell.”
- Brox -
The blood drains from my face when she curses me so viciously that it hurts my soul. I’ve never had anyone else wish me to spend eternity in the land of the disgraced dead. Not even our mortal enemies, the Frex, have used that curse against me when I’ve battled them and killed them. And certainly none of the females I’ve disciplined have done it.
This one has done it multiple times.
The coldness of my face gives way to heat. How dare she?
The rage rises, and I know I have to check it now, while there’s still time. I breathe deeply and force all my muscles to relax, trying to direct my thoughts to a happier place.
Finally, the anger retracts from the critical state.
“I hope you don’t know what that curse means,” I say with a mouth that’s dry from dismay. Of all people I don’t want to say that to me...
Althea doesn’t answer, just makes a snorting sound that I choose to interpret as an apology.
I run the tail of the whip through my fingers. It’s supple and almost sensual to the touch. It will give her pain, but it will not cut her skin, regardless of force. It is a good instrument of discipline to use on a wayward young female.
I take a moment to admire the sight in front of me. She’s presented so perfectly, with her fleshy behind spread and stretched in the most alluring way. Her sex glistens with readiness, swollen and dripping.
I adjust my crotch, where there is a corresponding swelling. I’m ready, too.
But this has to happen. She is playing with fire, and we can’t have that.
I pull the whip back and aim for the fleshiest part of her behind. Then I strike.
- Althea -
The whip hits my ass, and for a split second it doesn’t feel so bad. Then it’s like a red-hot iron has been pressed into my skin, and I scream. I try to twist in my bondage, and the tentacles allow me a little bit of wiggle room. But nowhere near enough to get me even slightly close to changing my position.
The pain slowly subsides and leaves only heat that spreads through my pelvis.
“I can’t overstate the danger of disobeying and cursing a superior male,” Brox says behind me. “I hope this can bring it home more effectively.”
The whip whistles through the air and hits my presented, naked butt again, and I begin screaming before the pain hits me in full. It helps a little, and the heat that lingers seems to gradually focus on my pussy.
He gives me a few more strokes, and finally I start to worry about the state of my skin. The way it feels, I have to be bleeding now.
“Okay,” I say, then clear my throat. “Okay. I will tell you why they want me.”
I can hear him slapping the whip against his palm. “Well?”
“Let me down, and I’ll tell you.”
Is that an amused chuckle? “Tell me and I’ll let you down.”
Damn. He has all the power here.
My mind races while I think of something he might believe. “Am I bleeding?”
“What? No. But that can be arranged if you keep stalling.”
“Okay, okay. Shit. Um. So, the colony has a power plant.”
“Does it, now.”
I think furiously. “And I’m the only one who knows how that plant works.”
I can hear a growl deep in his throat. He’s not buying this. I can feel him winding up for another stroke.
“Wait, wait!” I urge. “That power plant works by a principle that I think is probably not well known. By changing it a little, it can be used as a powerful weapon. Enough to destroy a city.”
“Nukes,” Brox grunts. “Centuries old technology. That’s not why the Glup want you. And you know it.”
I scream as another whiplash makes my ass burn again. “No, stop! It’s not ordinary nuclear power!”
“Then what is it?”
I have a flash of inspiration, fed by some half-forgotten lesson in physics. “Antimatter. It’s an antimatter reactor. Very small, but powerful. Enough to power much more than this colony.”
There’s a pause while he thinks. “And the Glup know this?”
“Someone in the colony must have told them. I’m the only one who can operate it. And I know how to take it apart. If you know that, you can also turn it into a weapon. A tiny bomb that can win whole wars for you.” There, that has to appeal to a warrior like him. It will buy me some time, anyway.
Still, I hang there on the wall, waiting for either another stroke across my ass or for the tentacles to let me down.
I can hear Brox hang the whip back up on the wall, and I breathe out, very quietly. He seems to have bought it.
Then he comes in close again. I can feel his heat and his scent. “Then the interrogation is over and the healing can begin.”
I feel his tongue and mouth on my lower back, moving down to my ass. That tongue of his — I wonder what he could do with it if he were to—
“Aaaahh…” I moan as he licks his whole tongue along my slit, setting off fireworks of pleasure all along it.
He licks along my butt where he was just whipping me, and the soft itch tells me that he’s healing whatever stripes he made back there.
But he never whipped my pussy. Still, his tongue swipes along it with too much regularity for it to be an accident. Or maybe he just has no idea what that touch does to me. He is an alien, after all.
Another lap of my pussy, and my whole body bucks in its bondage. No, that has to be on purpose.
He keeps licking my butt cheeks, and the soft, healing itch slowly spreads. Well, he has a lot of area to cover back there.
Then his tongue goes to my pussy. And it doesn’t leave.
“Oooh…” I shouldn’t reward my tormentor with these needy noises, but I can’t really help it. There’s something about his alien tongue that just rubs me the right way. Before today, it had been a long freaking time since anyone has had their tongue anywhere near my pussy, and that certainly wasn’t a textured and supple thing like this one.
My pussy doesn’t know what to do with these sensations. It’s wonderful and soft and wet, but at the same time demanding, as if he’s doing it for himself. Like he’s licking on a lollipop.
He knows what he’s doing, though. With the tentacle wall holding me firmly in place and limiting my movements, I am forced to focus on the sparks of pleasure that are starting to fly down there.
And again, I know that I could come like this. You’d think my pussy was exhausted after the punishment fucking he gave me, but it doesn’t seem to be a factor here. He’s about to force another climax from me.
“I think that’s enou
gh,” he says calmly and stands up straight. “Alien females taste good, but it’s better to not get carried away.”
The tentacles manhandle me again until I’m facing away from the wall again, with my legs spread so lewdly any decent girl would blush.
But I never claimed to be decent. So I groan in frustration. “Fuuuckk….”
“Good idea,” Brox says. He snaps his pants off and his blue, alien cock with all its special features stands skywards from his crotch. I’m so on edge, just the sight of it makes my stomach twitch.
He goes in close and lets the tip of his cock just touch my nether lips, rubbing slowly up and down in rhythm with his breathing.
“Ask me to fuck you,” he growls.
God, I want it. I really, really want to feel that thing inside me again.
“Fuck you,” I mutter. Can’t he just take me? Why does he need me to beg him to ravage me?
His eyes flash, and he rubs his cock up against me, faster and with more pressure. But instead of bringing me closer to the orgasm I need so badly now, it just frustrates me.
He casually reaches out with one hand, cups a breast, and rubs the nipple between his clawed alien fingers.
“Fuck me,” I exclaim breathlessly as little bolts of excitement shoot from my chest down into my stomach and further down.
“People say that your language contains the word ‘please’,” Brox tells me as he continues to rub, keeping my heat level steady but not giving me any hope of release.
I groan. He wants me to beg him to fuck me. After he’s just whipped my ass.
But I need this. Again.
I pull at the tentacles holding me, wanting to press my pussy into his teasing cock. But it’s like uselessly humping air.
He wins.
“Please fuck me,” I breathe. “Please.”
He torments me for three heartbeats. Then he places his cock at my entrance and calmly pushes his way in.
“Aahhh yeahhh,” I whimper as his alien rod forces its way into my sex, stretching and conquering my most female flesh.
He fucks me fast and hard. I’m slick all the way in, and now I know what to expect so I can enjoy it more.