Alien Invader’s Prey Read online

Page 7

  His alien cock confuses my insides again, but it’s a good confusion that spreads a liquid heat in my stomach and makes me spread myself more.

  The heat builds more and more with each stroke into my pussy. Now my body knows what this is, and it has fewer reservations. It’s a new experience, an alien experience, but that just makes it better, somehow.

  I grip the tentacles holding my hand, just to I have something to squeeze. I know I’m making the most scandalous noises — whimpers, moans and gasps — but I also know that when I come, I’m going to scream, and it is going to make my climax even harder. I can just let go this time. I have no choice.

  Brox’s alien eyes twinkle, his muscled body flexes with each stroke into me, his cock widens my entrance and is just starting to nudge my clit. I can’t feel the knot at the end of it, but I’m sure it’s there, making it impossible for him to pull out and impossible for my cunt to get away from his cock.

  My breath is going ragged as I feel the dam get close to breaking.

  Then Brox stops his movements. He’s deep inside me, but he’s not moving. I squeeze my muscles to try to get some stimulation going, but it’s no use.

  “No, don’t stop!” I groan.

  “This is punishment,” he says. “Not pleasure.” Then he slowly pulls out of me, and the knot at the end is plainly not there this time. My pussy tries to clench, but it clenches only air.

  “You bastard,” I seethe. “I was so close.”

  “You were,” he agrees. “That was the point. There will be no pleasure for you until I can confirm that your information is true. If you have been lying to me about the antimatter device, you might never climax again.”

  My hungry, dripping pussy feels unspeakably empty and cold. “It’s not fair,” I whine. “You can’t bring me so close and then—” I shut up. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction.

  Brox pulls his pants up over his straining cock, and I suppose I can get a little bit of satisfaction of my own. He didn’t come, either.

  The tentacle wall gently lets me down onto the ground and steadies me until I can make sure that my knees won’t buckle.

  Brox slips one blue finger inside that degrading collar around my neck and drags me out of the room.


  - Brox -

  “You ruined the suit,” Bleep accuses as I lead Althea over to a chair and allow her to sit, being very generous to a captive. “Though I think it might repair itself. Did you find out anything?”


  “You don’t even know?” Her tone is cold, and that’s untypical for a robot. She must really be upset about this whole thing. “Torture not as effective as you imagined?”

  I adjust my pants. My cock is still at almost full stiffness, unsatisfied. I’m not sure who was really punished here. “The whip usually wins against a soft female behind. And her behind is very, very soft. Any more from the Glup?”

  “Not after the offer of fifty million. But they’re still here. No sign on the scope of any takeoff from this planet. They must still be hoping we’ll do a deal. But don’t expect it to last. When they go, that is it.”

  Althea has turned her back to me and folded her arms across her chest.

  Her behind should be a mess of stripes and welts for days yet, to remind her of her ordeal and keep her in line. But I couldn’t help healing her.

  Whipping her should have been a lot more fulfilling than this, a profound sign of my total domination and her female submission. It usually satisfies me so deeply. With Althea, it was fulfilling enough. But different, somehow. She needed it.

  Of course, she must be disciplined and punished for her disrespect and disobedience. It’s for her own good. There are monsters in this universe. Some of them will kill for less than what I just whipped her for. And some of those monsters are much closer than she probably thinks.


  I close my eyes and try to change my train of thought.

  She’s worth fifty million. We’d be in with a real shot in this Competition. In fact, we’d be really hard to beat. She’s just a Trophy, for honor’s sake. Just a fun thing to hunt and then sell. Any other Trophy, I’d be happy to get rid of.


  “I suppose it can’t hurt to sell her,” I force myself to say. “I don’t think she has any great value to us.”

  “Exactly,” Bleep says brightly. “Signaling them now. Accepting bid of fifty million. Item sold as-is, minor rips in packaging.”

  Althea whirls around, little fists on her hips. “You cannot just sell me like I’m a pet or livestock! I don’t know which damn rock you crawled out from, but where I come from, people have rights! And I demand that my rights are honored!”

  Her eyes shoot sparks, and her face goes red. She would appear to be angry. But anger is a close relative of fear, and she reeks of it again. Being sold to the Glup scares her more now than being here with me.

  If only she knew. There’s a good reason why I have a robot partner and not an organic.

  The smell of fear on prey taxes me. I have showed immense restraint here today, heroically resisting my most insistent urges. But even I only have so much willpower, and a female who opposes me as blatantly as this suddenly places me on the edge of what I can control. I am struggling with this decision already, and she’s not making it any easier.

  “Be quiet,” I growl between clenched teeth, mobilizing all my inner strength. The edges of my vision are going dark green. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with here.”

  “I’m dealing with a fucking slave trader,” Althea spits. “You think I’m a slave? You’re so fucking wrong, it’s not even funny.”

  The other thing inside me is trying to take over. It’s right on the edge, and I long to give in to it. It’s not unlike the sensation of having to sneeze, but trying to suppress it because the timing is wrong. Once it’s going, that’s it. It takes on a life of its own and can’t be controlled.

  “Where are they?” I snarl.

  “They’re here now,” Bleep says. “They zipped right over. Yeah, they really want her. Hey, what if we play for more? Just dangle her in front of them and then ask for sixty? I mean, they’re already here.”

  “Just open the door,” I snap, trying not to look at Althea’s face. What in space is going on? No one female should be able to bring me to this state.

  “Okay, okay,” Bleep sings and zooms over to the hatch. “Don’t worry, we got this. Fifty mill!”

  The hatch hisses open, and the red light from outside floods the lounge.

  There are shadows, too. Moving shadows and a humming sound that rises and sinks in pitch too fast for my ear to follow.

  “They’re asking to see the merchandise,” Bleep says. “I’ll tell them to show us the money.”

  Two thin arms lock themselves around my thigh, hard.

  “Don’t,” Althea pleads. “Please don’t sell me.”

  There’s more green than red in my vision now. I’m not sure I can resist it much longer. My shoulder aches. She did that.

  I slip one finger inside the marker strip around Althea’s neck and pull her away from me, forcing her to disengage without looking at her.

  I peer outside. One Glup is walking up the gangway, making hard little clicks on the metal, holding something out.

  “Checking,” Bleep says and zooms out to circle the drooping sack the alien is offering. “Yep. Fifty million in cash,” she says as she zips back inside. “I suggest we hand the goods over.”

  “Nooo!” Althea screams as I drag her to the door while she claws and scratches my forearm with both her little hands. “Don’t, please!”

  I look out, where the orange landscape has taken on a green tinge. Twenty Glup are standing there, gathered on the ground. Seven pointed legs each, spears and needles pointing in all directions from their dark spidery bodies, making them look nightmarish even to me. One of them is holding the money bag.

  I can tell the exact moment when Althea sees them,
because she goes quiet for a split second and then turns into a little ball of fists and feet and short little claws and teeth around my hand, biting and hissing and clawing at me.

  The landscape goes greener.

  “Hand her over,” Bleep urges. “We can leave this stupid planet and go get some real equipment and a whole lot of fuel.”

  I walk down the walkway, holding the still fighting Althea out from me on a straight arm.

  Two of the Glup are holding something between them, a metal frame of some kind. I can’t tell what it’s for.

  Althea collapses to the ground and starts sobbing sorely. “Please don’t do this. Please. I’ll be good. I’ll be good.”

  The frame is brought forward, and now I can see what it is. It has holes for the arms and feet and head of a humanoid. That’s how they will transport her, as if she was locked in stocks.

  I’m trembling now, keeping the thing within me at bay. But now I don’t think I’ll succeed.

  One Glup reaches out a splotched brown tentacle and locks its two thin, clawed fingers around Althea’s upper arm.


  The click when its two fingers meet around her thin arm takes me across the point of no return. I feel the rage fill me, followed by the endless bliss.


  - Althea -

  The horrible spider-like alien takes hold of my arm, pinching the skin. It looks like a tarantula, a giant, hairy thing with all kinds of protrusions and tentacles.

  At this point, I can only whimper in horror and weak protest. Brox is apparently determined to do this. My begging isn’t helping.

  I feel hopelessness and terror overwhelm me. There’s nothing good about this. I’m as good as dead.

  Then the aliens freeze and even draw back a little.

  I wipe my eyes and look up. Something is happening to Brox. Something really weird. He’s definitely bigger than before. Bigger and darker and his arms are longer. And thicker. His legs too.

  And his face… no, that can’t be Brox at all. That’s a monster!

  For a moment, I freeze. That… is a freaking monster. As real as Mars itself.

  The universe spins around me, and when the alien lets go of me, I collapse to the ground. A real, actual monster!

  The monster lets out an almighty roar that makes my lungs tremble and makes my hands fly to my ears instinctively. It’s like the fog horn on a furious aircraft carrier built by lions.

  I squeal and scramble away on all fours on the rough gravel, crawling under the walkway from the saucer as all hell breaks loose behind me. I hear ripping sounds and ferocious snarling and a whole lot of high-pitched humming.

  Where the fuck did that thing come from? I peer out through the mesh in the walkway. The monster is holding one of the spider aliens in each giant hand, whacking the others with them as if they were clubs. The aliens are running away on their thin legs, which now appear to have grown longer and make them look more like daddy longlegs than tarantulas.

  The monster is chasing them across the Martian surface, leaving a trail of spider parts in its wake.

  I can’t see Brox anywhere, so he must have gone back inside the ship. Damn, I never knew he had a monster. It has to be his. It’s blue and sleek, just like him. But it’s also very different. Where Brox is heart-stoppingly beautiful, this thing is just scary and brutal. It reminds me of the rancor monster from Return of the Jedi. It’s all danger and claws and teeth, except blue and with a heart-stopping, sleek beauty all of its own. It’s as tall as a house, and it rips through the Glup aliens with long claws on each hand. It has a tail as well, long and evil and bristling with dangerous-looking spikes.

  The aliens run fast, and before long the monster lets the rest of them go. It roars again, and I clench my hands to my ears once more, squeezing my eyes shut.

  The monster turns around and starts lumbering back, all muscles and fangs and death. Its eyes glow like searchlights.

  Shit. It’s coming straight for the ship. And that means it’s coming straight for me.

  I stay as still as I can, barely daring to peer through the dense metal mesh. My heart is thundering in my ears, and the fight-or-flight reflex is making me jittery. But I’ve had that so many times today that I think the stores of panic chemicals in my body must be totally depleted, because I’m able to not run wildly away from this horror. I guess I can only panic so many times in a day.

  The monster crunches across the orange gravel with heavy steps. And I can’t help but notice that it’s wearing the tattered remains of black pants around its crotch area. That ripped fabric doesn’t hide much, and the monster is obviously male. Very obviously. Shit, imagine having that inside you...

  I squint. In fact, that thing looks a lot like—

  I gasp as the monster suddenly changes. Through the metal weave, I can’t see the details, but it seems to be getting smaller and less towering. But the angry red blotch on the shoulder is still there.

  Then I blink, and it’s just Brox. He’s standing above me and bending down to peer at me through the mesh, his eyes twinkling like stars. “Hello, little Trophy.”

  I can’t speak. I think I just saw an alien fucking shapeshift.

  A strong hand grabs my upper arm and pulls me out from under the walkway. I have no choice but to follow.

  Brox looks me up and down, then turns me this way and that, the way he does when inspecting me for damage. “You appear to still be in saleable condition.”

  I regain control of my vocal cords. “What the hell are you?”

  He rips the remains of his pants off and tosses it to the ground, then looks at me thoughtfully. “Right now, I’m mostly puzzled.”

  He drags me up the walkway and inside the ship, and I’m too exhausted to even try to resist.

  Inside, Brox drops me into a heap of soft cushions. But I like the softness I’m lying in.

  The little white point of light comes zooming and gets right up into Brox’s face, barely one inch from his nose. “What in the name of all that is hell itself did you just do?!”


  - Brox -

  “I did what had to be done.”

  Bleep is visibly shaking. She’s furious. I’ve never seen that before. And I can’t deny that she has every reason to be.

  “What we had to do was get our fifty million. That is what we desperately had to do. Desperately! How can we continue the Competition now? With no funds and having broken the rules in the most spectacular way? You attacked our competitors and killed a whole bunch of them! There’s no way we won’t be disqualified now!”

  “Some things are more important than the Competition.”

  “Such as what?!” Bleep howls, and suddenly there’s a large gun in front of me, hovering in the air and pointing straight at my face. “We both need this! We both need to win! And you have now totally ruined our chances! We’ll never be allowed to Compete again!”

  I swat the gun away and wander across the lounge and sit down heavily in a chair. “I’ll take responsibility for this.”

  “What? Responsibility? Fuck! We’re out! For good!”

  “This was just me. You had nothing to do with it. I’ll notify the referee that I’m out. You can continue without me.”

  The gun drops to the floor, and Bleep zips over to place herself in front of my nose again. “Continue? With what? We’re out of funds and soon out of fuel!”

  “You’ll be no worse off than before. There’s still a chance you’ll win the whole Competition even if you score no more victories.”

  “You know that chance is completely theoretical. There’s no real chance. Why did you have to fuck this up so bad? Wait. Are you insane, maybe?” A note of hope creeps into her voice.

  “Yes,” I agree. “I am. Undiagnosed insanity that suddenly showed itself in the massacring of some of our competitors. You were not to blame. Just like I said. Bleep, at least wait until the Glup complain. Which they really should have done by now.”

  She goes quiet for a moment.<
br />
  I look over at Althea. She’s pale and dirty with orange dust. In her transparent white suit, she looks extremely alluring. It really brings out all her charms.

  My crotch twitches.

  But still. What the hell was it that happened? Bleep is right. It was an insane thing to do.

  “They haven’t complained,” the little robot informs me coldly. “Not yet. And the way they are, they would have done it by now. They don’t need much time to deliberate. Probably, they’re afraid that the trade they suggested with the Trophy could be interpreted as against the rules. They won’t take any chances with incurring penalties. Which strikes me as a healthy and rational way to approach a Competition like this. I know others who could learn from that.”

  “I’ll allow you that one final jab at me,” I grunt. “No need to test your luck anymore today. And let’s not wave guns in each other’s faces again.”

  Bleep settles down on the back of the chair opposite me. “We could have had fifty million. It would have given us a good chance to win. The Glup will not suggest another trade now. I will never understand organics.”

  “We’re no worse off than we otherwise would have been. We were always a bootstrapping kind of team.”

  “It’s her, of course,” Bleep says and points a ray of light towards Althea. “Something about her turns you into an insane monster.”

  I clench my teeth. “Maybe.”

  The robot takes off and zips towards the control room. “Well, at least give her some food. She’s exhausted.”

  The sliding door slams behind her.

  “She seems angry,” Althea says, and indeed her voice sounds tired. She’s slumped on the cushions.

  I scratch my chin. How can a creature so small make me feel these large emotions? “Possibly that’s because she is angry.”

  “What’s that Competition she talks about?”

  I get to my feet and walk over to the food device. This saucer was originally made by aliens much smaller than me, and I can only get the thing to deliver food in small quantities. I have to operate it twenty times to get a meal that can even remotely satisfy a man of my size. For Althea, it will require less. I set it to make one of my favorite dishes, but turn down the spiciness. I’ve seen lesser beings drop dead from eating food with the level of flavor I prefer. I also add a little bit of other things, substances that help you feel better and give you more energy. Althea is small, and I sense that she can’t take too many of these events before she loses her spirit.


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